Who is Star Triber?
We are people who believe there is more to life than the basics of eating, sleeping and reproducing. We believe that searching for the answer as to the question of life beyond our biosphere is of such a nature as should be demanded by all intelligent beings. For the answer would without any doubte influence our actions here on our blue green orb afloat in the darkness of space. For if we truly are alone....that is the most special gift of all, surpassing understanding and probability... we must survive for we are all there is! The second possibility | is that the universe is teeming with life... intelligent life and we then should become a member of the community beyond our atmosphere. In either situation we owe it to ourselves to seek the answer to the question----Is the civilization of Earth the only intelligent life in the universe capable of creating such marvels as; radio, television, internet, air travel and space exploration?
Join our team then download and install BOINC SETI@Home , register your email address and then go to our group site at: signup and begin your search for an intelligent signal from space using SETI@Home on your computer join our team ... join today.... and welcome aboard fellow seeker of knowledge and understanding. Come join team Star Triber. Thanks. |